Originally starting this project, my theme was based around the term “monachopsis” (n. the subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place, as maladapted to your surroundings). Changing directions I kept the concept of feeling “alive”, but wanted to focus more so on emotions of feeling empowered from loss and love. When I mention loss, an example would be growing from negative experiences. As for love, this could be from the traditional meaning, but I also wanted to hone in on self-love within negative scenarios. By styling the type and including poetry, my vision was executed and brought to fruition.
Beginning with creating a static piece I made five images, each maintaining a letter that formed the word alive. Within each image, branching off of the letters are passages that speak about self-acceptance.

Moving on to later passages, I left them in their original structure from the images that I created and them fade in as a whole vs fading in word-by-word. I then added slight movement by having each line drift away from each other.